Transaction Input and Error Glossaries

CreateTransactionInput Glossary link

This glossary outlines all of the available input for creating a Transaction with the CreateTransaction mutation

Required Fields link

Field Name Type Description
id Guid Unique identifier for the Transaction, can be used to find the created Transaction later.
sendingDate Date Typically the date on which the sender creates the Transaction.
productId Guid Unique identifier of the product.
senderLocationId Guid Unique identifier of the sender location.
receiverLocationId Guid Unique identifier of the receiver location.
quantity Int Whole number of product items involved in the Transaction.

Optional Fields link

Field Name Type Description
accountId Guid Unique identifier of the account, For any Transaction involving a site location, ie. most Transactions, the account is determined automatically from the product supplier and site location. An error will be raised when not given and could not be found.
alterationReference String Used to associate an 'altered' Transaction with subsequent 'alteration' Transactions. Can be any value.
carrier String Text field describing company or person that is transporting pallets.
carrierReference String Typically a consignment number. Copied to ReceiverReference for 'off' Transactions and to SenderReference for 'on' Transactions.
docketNumber String Main reference value for the Transaction, Typically 11 digits, is generated for the Transaction and not copied from a related job or order in some other system.
driverContactId Guid Unique Identifier of the Contact representing the driver that handled the delivery of the products.
effectiveDate Date Date from which the receiver incurs supplier rental changes. Ignored for non-transfer kinds. Calculated if missing for transfer kinds.
fee Decimal May be keyed but typically set to Quantity * FeeUnitPrice.
feeCode String The code for the fee.
feeUnitPrice Decimal Monetary value charged by supplier.
filingDate Date For managing document storage - date on which a paper docket is keyed.
isExported Boolean Indicates that the Transactions has been exported.
internalReference String Free text field but typically set to the Guid of a corresponding record in a transport or warehouse management system.
isDocketNumberGenerated Boolean When set to true, the docket number field will be automatically generated according to the account settings of the account.
isManagedRecovery Boolean 'MR' system is used by CHEP in the UK.
isComplete Boolean Defaults to true when not specified. May be set to false to indicate more information is required to complete the Transaction. Incomplete transfers are not exported to the supplier.
isCancelled Boolean Cancelled Transaction become 'information only'. Cancelling is typically preferred over deleting to keep a historical record.
isChecked Boolean Optionally initialised to false and then changed to true when Transactions are 'checked', i.e. compared to other Transactions for detecting duplicates, missing data, or other problems.
kind TransactionKind Describes what kind of Transaction this record is. automatically added from sender/receiver location and account if not given.
notes String Free text field.
privateNotes String Free text field that is not submitted to the receiver or printed on a docket.
receiptNumber String 6-digit number that is generated for 'on' Transactions in the receiver's database. It is a checksum of the key fields in a Transaction. It is copied or keyed into the corresponding 'off' Transaction in the sender's database to provide proof-of-delivery, i.e. it replaces a signature on paper.
receiverContactId Guid Unique Identifier of the Contact representing the receiver location that accepted the products.
receivingDate Date Date on which the receiver takes possession of the products. Calculated if missing from the sending date and route transit days.
receivedQuantity Int Sent & received quantities provide additional information but are ignored if inconsistent with either the net quantity or the sender & receiver. Absolute values are taken, i.e. negatives are converted to positives.
receiverReference String Reference value that is required by the receiver.
receiverTraceQuantity Int Indicates the end of the Transaction is traced. Defaults to a copy of the Quantity when tracing.
senderContactId Guid Unique Identifier of the Contact representing the sender location that handed over possession of the products.
senderReference String Reference value that is helpful for the sender.
senderTraceQuantity Int Indicates the start of the Transaction is traced. Defaults to a copy of the Quantity when tracing.
sentQuantity Int Sent & received quantities provide additional information but are ignored if inconsistent with either the net quantity or the sender & receiver. Absolute values are taken, i.e. negatives are converted to positives.
source String ...
supplierReference String Additional reference field for supplier.
submittedTimestamp DateTime ...
confirmedTimestamp DateTime ...
receivedTimestamp DateTime ...

Additional Information link

Older Versions of the get_app 2ic Postman Example and the get_app 2ic Pallets Example for Altair may include deprecated or deleted fields, download the latest version to avoid these errors.

Error Glossary link

This glossary outlines all of the possible errors when creating a Transaction with the CreateTransaction mutation

Kind Message Reason Fix
Error You are not authorized to run this query.\nDatabase cannot be found. Database Id not set correctly See Access for Developers
Error You are not authorized to run this query.\nUser record cannot be found. Authorisation (bearer token) not set correctly See Access for Developers
Error Unrecognized input fields 'FIELD' for type CreateTransactionInput Incorrect fields in the CreateTransactionInput fields Remove/replace incorrect fields
Error Id not found, targets (location/product/account) Incorrect id input given to CreateTransactionInput Check correct id given
Error Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Transactions' Duplicated transactions with the same id Either generate a unique Guid or key one
Warning Missing docket number No docket number given in CreateTransactionInput Add docket number or IsDocketNumberGenerated = true to the inputs
Warning Duplicate docket number Duplicate docket number given in CreateTransactionInput Edit/generate docket number in inputs
Warning Docket number too long Given docket number too long Amend docket number
Error Account Supplier Does Not Match Product Supplier Given account's supplier doesn't match given product's supplier Review and change Product/Account
Error Site location not linked to account Given location (site) isn't linked to an account Review and change location (site)
Error EntityNotFoundForField account Account is missing and could not be found Add the account id field to the input, or edit the sender/receiver location to include a site
Error Duplicate Sender/Receiver reference Matching Transaction within 90 days with matching product, kind and sender/receiver reference Review matching Transaction and amend
Warning Disallowed Product Product given in input is disallowed Review and change product
Warning Disallowed Transaction kind Transaction kind is not allowed on trading account Review and change or add kind to the inputs
Error Account Setting Required Specified Account setting is missing, these are required when generating a docket number with the IsDocketNumberGenerated input Update account settings within the 2ic app or with the UpdateAccountSetting endpoint
Warning All Docket Numbers Running out in days Time Based docket number will no longer be able to generated in the specified amount of days Update account settings within the 2ic app or with the UpdateAccountSetting endpoint
Error Trading Partner to different Trading Partner Transaction not allowed Created Transaction is between two Trading Partner Locations Amend the sender/receiver locationId of the CreateTransactionInput
Last updated on 6/21/2024