Submitting Transactions

Submitting Transactions link

Submitting a transaction is the paperless equivalent of printing a docket. This will submit a copy to our receiving trading partner's Pending Transactions page.


It is important to define trading partner locations as individual sites. This enables sites to be identified in the receiver's database when submitting or confirming a transaction. Receiving trading partner sites can be added via the trading partner site catalogue.

  1. Expand Operations within the navigation menu, open Transactions page.
  2. Enter a 'Loan Sent', 'Transfer Off', or 'Relocation' transaction.
  3. Once submitted, if the receiving trading partner uses 2ic Pallets web app and allows submissions, it is automatically submitted to the receiver's Pending Transactions and a Received Timestamp is populated. For more detail, see processing pending transactions.
  • Automatic submitting is turned on by default.
  • There is no limit on how many times we can submit transactions. Transactions older than 7 days will not automatically submit, but can be manually submitted using the Submit button.
  • Submitted transactions will disappear from the receiver's pending transactions page if the sender's transaction has changed receiver.

Allowing Submissions link

To receive pending transactions from external trading partners:

  1. Expand Reference Data within the navigation menu, open Databases page.
  2. Tabs appear at the bottom of the grid, open Sites detail grid.
  3. Against our sites, tick 'Are submissions Allowed'.

Are Submissions Allowed

Submission Overrides link

Submission overrides allows us to specify which external trading partners are allowed to submit pending transactions to our database. The common use case is when we want to allow pending transactions with one trading partner, and disallow it for the rest. To setup submission overrides for our sites:

  1. Expand Reference Data within the navigation menu, open Databases page.
  2. Tabs appear at the bottom of the grid, open Sites detail grid.
  3. Click on the site we want to allow submissions for, open Submission Overrides detail grid.
  4. Specify our site and the trading partner who we want to receive submissions from, then tick 'Are Submissions Allowed'.
  5. Alternatively, group multiple sites using Region.

Submission Overrides

Last updated on 6/21/2024