Adding Trading Partner Locations

Trading partner locations are vendors, customers, transport companies, etc. with which pallets and other packaging products are traded.

Individual sites within those businesses are set up as trading partner locations. Recording transactions between precise physical locations underpins the efficient paperless system of submitting and confirming.

Adding Trading Partner Locations link

  1. In the navigation menu, expand Reference Data, then open Locations.
  2. In a new row, enter required fields for the trading partner, i.e. Name and Kind. Optionally specify Code, Email Address, and Phone Number.
  3. Specify account numbers for CHEP, Loscam, and/or any other suppliers for which the trading partner has an account. It adds a row in the Trading Accounts detail grid for each supplier account.
  4. Specify a Trading Profile Name. This profile is set for all trading account rows.

Adding Trading Accounts link

  1. On the Locations page, expand the Trading Accounts detail grid. Alternatively from the navigation menu, expand Reference Data and open Trading Accounts. This is the same grid.
  2. On a new row, select a Trading Partner Location if necessary. It defaults to the current row in the main grid when on the locations page.
  3. Select the supplier, specify the account number (if applicable), and assign a trading profile.

A trading partner location can have multiple trading accounts for the same supplier with different profiles, i.e. with different trading rules. See trading account scope.


If a trading partner has two CHEP account rows with different profiles, a 'find best' system decides which profile applies. Trading accounts have additional 'scope' fields: Product, Account, Site Location, and Destination.

When keying a transaction it finds the most specific matching trading account based on these fields, then uses its profile to set the transaction effective date and apply other trading rules.


When a trading account is managed in 2ic Pallets, it most likely has trading policies configured, see defining policies. These trading rules take precedence over transfer off and loan sent configuration in our trading profiles. However, if the policy is incorrect, it can be overridden by selecting 'Trading Policy Override' in the main Locations grid.

Add/Link/Sync from the Trading Partner Catalogue link

The trading partner catalogue is a public list of sites and corresponding accounts that are maintained in 2ic Pallets by the account owners.

Processes below apply to the Locations page.


Add/Link/Sync is also provided for service centre locations and products.

Adding from the Catalogue link

  1. Focus a new empty row in the main Locations grid.

  2. Expand the Trading Partner Catalogue detail grid. Selecting the empty location row ensures all catalogue items appear. Alternatively link filters may be cleared by clicking the button in the catalogue grid status bar.

  3. Find the required trading partner and 'Add Catalogue Trading Partner'.

  4. Trading account rows are added together with location rows.

  5. For the new locations, specify Trading Profile Name to update the linked trading accounts.

    Catalogue-add Button


Multiple trading partners may be added by filtering so they are visible, then Shift+click the 'add' button for any of the rows.


Adding duplicates is prevented. Matching existing locations are identified by attaching a warning message to the row and sorting these rows to the top of the locations grid.


Matching is based on rules defined in a 'Catalogue-add' import template. The built-in template is sufficient for most users, but may be cloned and modified. The template in use is nominated in the locations grid side panel, View tool.

Identifying Locations for Manual Linking and Syncing link

This is a safe process that does not change any data.

  1. In a new empty row in the main Locations grid, click the 'Catalogue Identify' button.

  2. In the pop-up, confirm identifying locations that can be linked or synced.

  3. Information-level (blue) messages are added to location rows. These rows are sorted to the top. Specifically it highlights unlinked locations that have a matching catalogue item for linking, and linked locations that have one or more fields different to the linked catalogue item.

  4. Step through identified locations and add/link/sync as appropriate.

    Catalogue-identify Button


The locations grid can be filtered to exclude some rows from being checked and identified.


Catalogue Identify is always a 'bulk' operation that applies to all rows in the locations grid. If there are service centre locations, those are also identified by source lines in the Service Centre Catalogue detail grid.


Matching is based on rules defined in a 'Catalogue-identify' import template. The built-in template may be cloned and modified if necessary. A view setting in the side panel stores the template in use.

Linking to a Catalogue Item link

  1. Focus an unlinked trading partner row in the main Locations grid.

  2. Expand the Trading Partner Catalogue detail grid. This is also achieved by clicking Is Linked for the location row.

  3. If there is one or more matching catalogue items, those rows will be displayed in the grid.

  4. To perform a more detailed search for a matching catalogue item, expand the side panel for the Trading Partner Catalogue grid and change options in the Link Filters tool. These apply filters based on the current row in the main grid, and may be used in conjunction with grid column filters.

  5. Decide if a detail grid row is represented by the current location, and tick Is Linked so they are associated. The location row is updated with Is Linked ticked and Catalogue ID set.

  6. The above steps can be done automatically (without review) by clicking the Catalogue Link button for the unlinked trading partner row.

  7. Linking automatically opens the Link Compare tool to display differences between the focussed rows in the two grids. Select fields in the right column and click Update to make changes to the location.

    Catalogue-link Button


Shift+clicking Catalogue Link for a selected location row runs bulk linking for all selected rows. Rows are selected by unhiding the Select column and ticking it. Shift+click also applies to checkboxes so bulk-selecting is possible.


Matching for bulk linking is based on rules defined in a 'Catalogue-link' import template. By default only rows with a single matching catalogue item will be linked.

Syncing with a Catalogue Item link

  1. For a linked trading partner row in the main Locations grid, click the Catalogue Sync button.

  2. The Trading Partner Catalogue detail grid is expanded and Link Compare tool is displayed.

  3. Select fields in the right column and click Update to make changes to the location.

    Catalogue-sync Button


Shift+clicking Catalogue Sync for a selected location row runs bulk syncing for all selected rows.


Matching for bulk syncing is based on rules defined in a 'Catalogue-sync' import template.

Last updated on 6/21/2024