Sharing Dockets

Emailing Dockets link

  1. Expand Operations within the navigation menu, open Transactions page.
  2. Once a transaction is entered, click the Email Docket button.
  3. Click Yes to send the email without previewing.

This will email the recipient listed in the Email field against the Trading Partner in the Locations grid.

Previewing Emailed Dockets link

  1. Click the Email Docket button.
  2. Click No to preview the email message, add text, and edit recipients. Click Send.

By default, we (current user) and our account user will be CC'd. This can be changed under 'General Emailing' in Account Settings.

Sharing Dockets link

  1. Expand Operations within the navigation menu, open Transactions page.
  2. Once transaction is entered, click the Share Docket button and this will prompt several options to share.

Sharing Icon
Sharing Docket


Similar sharing options will appear and are dependent on our computer setup.

  1. Alternatively, click the Copy Docket Link button to directly copy the docket URL link.

Copy Docket Link Icon

Last updated on 6/21/2024