Entering Transactions

Entering Transactions link

  1. Expand Operations within the navigation menu, open Transactions page.
  2. This grid displays the last 7 days of transactions. Use filters to reveal transactions within a date range.
  3. On a new line, key required fields of Sending Date, Product, Sender Location, Receiver Location and Quantity.
  4. For a 'Transfer Off' or 'Loan Sent', use Alt+N to generate Docket Number, unless automatic docket number generation is configured.
  5. For a 'Transfer On' or 'Loan Received', key Docket Number.
  6. Optionally, key into other fields as per business process.
  7. The transaction will save automatically once all required fields are entered. A green tick is added to the status column. If there is no green tick against the row, it means it has not finished saving completely to the server.


Use TAB, arrow keys or double click into the cell to edit the fields.


Sender Location and Receiver Location field lists are limited to most recently used locations. 'Recent' transactions are those we have used in the past 90 days and displays up to 300. Click the refresh button or use Alt+R to refresh the display list to see all locations. If a location does not appear, it will need to be added as a new trading partner.

Transaction List

Scanning Dockets link

Scanning a docket is a common process when receiving a Transfer On or Loan Received docket. Scanning dockets maximises efficiency, as opposed to keying details from a docket. Our users can scan dockets in the Transactions grid by:

Scanning 2D Barcodes link

  1. In Transactions page, open the right side panel by clicking the blue arrow.
  2. Open Scan tool, click within the Barcode Text box, and scan the docket.
  3. Optionally, after scanning a docket, we can configure it to automatically navigate to a field each time. Under Scan Settings, select a field from the 'After-scan focus field' dropdown. Use the ` key to focus back into the Scan field.

To scan Version 2 dockets: a 2D scanner that reads PDF-417 barcodes is required.
To scan Version 3 dockets: a 2D scanner that has the capability to scan QR codes is required.

Scanning a Docket

Scanning 1D Barcodes link

  1. In Transactions page, select the field that relates to the barcode.
  2. Docket Number will be scanned in Docket Number field, Date scanned into Date field etc.

Scanning 1D Docket


As these are 1D barcodes, it will only scan in each field it is navigated to, meaning the transaction is incomplete - refer to the ! icon. The remaining details will need to be keyed in.


When scanning, to automatically tab into the next field, the scanner will need to be configured. This setting can be found in the scanner manual.

Scanning with a Camera link

  1. In Transactions page, open the right side panel by clicking the blue arrow.
  2. Open Scan tool, click the Camera button. Allow the browser access to the camera.
  3. Hover the barcode in view of the camera, this will scan the docket.
  4. Optionally, after scanning a docket, we can configure it to automatically navigate to a field each time. Under Scan Settings, select a field from the 'After-scan focus field' dropdown.

This feature is available for high quality cameras or mobile phones.

Scanning a Docket


If it is a valid barcode, it will automatically read into the Transactions grid.
If it is an invalid barcode, an Invalid Barcode notification will appear. The barcode text will remain in the window for review.

Last updated on 6/21/2024