Exporting Transactions

Exporting Transactions to CSV link

  1. Expand Operations within the navigation menu, open Transactions page.
  2. Open the right side panel by clicking the blue arrow.
  3. Expand Export tool. Click into the 'Accounts' field and select our accounts to export.
    • For all accounts, tick 'Select all accounts'
    • For multiple accounts, tick each respective account
    • For a single account, tick accordingly
  4. Click Export to CSV. The transaction file will be downloaded onto our computer. Default settings are recommended, see below for additional settings.
  • Are rows limited to 'new & updated'
    • Ticked is the default. If ticked, this will include any transactions without an exported timestamp, and any transactions that have an updated timestamp later than the previous exported timestamp.
    • If unticked, this will include transactions in the specified filter, even if they have an exported timestamp.
  • Are current grid filters applied
    • If ticked, ensure filters are specified to what should be included in the export. i.e, if we are wanting to 'exclude incomplete' transactions, ensure we are filtered on 'Is Complete'.
    • Unticked is the default. If unticked, it will clear all filters and include all transactions based on the other selections.
  • Are incomplete transactions included?
    • If ticked, incomplete transactions will be included.
    • Unticked is the default. If unticked, the export file will only include complete transactions.
  • Is the export timestamp field updated
    • Ticked is the default. If ticked, the exported timestamp field will update when exported.
    • If unticked, the exported timestamp field will remain blank or not updated, and will be included in the next 'new & updated' export.

Optionally, utilise the 'Next Export File Name' and 'Next Export File Number' feature:

  1. Click on 'Next Export File Name' - this will display an example format and our recently used. This format can be customised by replacing 'Transactions' with text more relevant to our account or site.
  2. Type 'Next Export File Number' - the example format with {} will include autogenerated text based on our selections, e.g. using 'Transactions-{timestamp}_{fileNumber}.2ic' and i.e. number '124' specified, will save the export file name as 'Transactions-20230704-053052_124.2ic.'
  3. The Next Export File Number will increment each time the Export to CSV button is clicked, and is saved as part of our last view. Note that it is not shared across other users.

Once exported, an automatic email is sent from 2ic Software Support to us containing a download link to the transaction export.


Files are saved with extension '.2ic' instead of '.csv' to discourage us opening in Excel. CSV files are automatically modified when opening in Excel. Leading zeroes are truncated from 'reference' text fields, dates are converted to US format 'm/d/yy', and numbers that are 12 digits or more (including 13-digit CHEP docket numbers) are converted to scientific format, e.g. '1.234E+12'.

Importing Transactions into 2ic Pallets Desktop App link

Once transactions have been exported from the web app, we need to import the .2ic file into our corresponding 2ic Pallets desktop app.

  1. Copy the downloaded transactions.2ic file from our local PC.
  2. Open our 2ic Pallets desktop app, navigate to Import Data.
  3. Select 'Slave Movements' tab.
  4. Click Read Data at the bottom of the screen. In the File Explorer, paste the transactions.2ic file.
  5. Select the .2ic file, click 'Open' and 'Yes' to the pop up asking if this is a 2ic file.
  6. If we export multiple accounts in one export file from the web app, we can use this to import into each corresponding 2ic Pallets desktop app file. It will automatically discard records that do not belong to the matching desktop app file, and only read records that do.
    Accounts Excluded
  7. Click Check Data, there may be prompts depending on the data.
  8. Click Save Records - a pop up box will outline the details of the movements imported. Take note if any are imported into the Imported Movements form, and review accordingly.



This process is required until reconciliation is developed within 2ic Pallets web app.

Last updated on 6/21/2024