Starting a Support Chat

Contact 2ic Software Support during business hours Monday-Friday via live chat:

  1. Open - Google Chrome or Firefox browser recommended.
  2. Click the Chat Bubble in the bottom-right corner.
  3. The live chat sidebar will appear, and contact details are required.
  4. Type a message, click Send, and 2ic Software Support will respond.

Support Chat


Screen-sharing is used to assist on support sessions.

Sharing Screens link

Once a training session has been booked, a confirmation email and meeting request will be sent from a 2ic Software Trainer:

  1. In the confirmation email, there will be a link to share screens. This link needs to be tested prior to the training session to ensure there are sufficient permissions to share screens.
  2. The link will launch a download of “ConnectWiseController.exe.”
  3. Once the ConnectWise application is running, a 2ic Software trainer will be able to view the screen.
  4. At the time of the training session, select the same link and a Trainer will call on the contact number provided in the booking process.

Sharing Screens


If there are any error messages, this will need to be escalated to the IT department, as screen-sharing is required for training and support sessions.

Last updated on 6/21/2024