Processing Pending Transactions

The Link Filters tool in Pending Transactions is used to quickly filter on the Transactions detail grid, and is based on the focussed row to find linked transactions.

  1. Expand Operations within the navigation menu, open Pending Transactions page. Transactions that are submitted to us will appear in this grid.
  2. Tabs appear at the bottom of the grid, open Transactions detail grid. This is identical to the existing transactions grid.
  3. Click the blue arrow to open the right-sidebar, and open Link Filters tool.
  4. Click each link filter for the detail grid to display potentially linked transactions.

Click Reset Filters to reset to the default of filtering on docket number and within 7 days.


Use the arrows to either expand, collapse, or close the detail grid.
Up Arrow Up Arrow Up Arrow

Processing Pending Transactions link

Pending Transactions are temporary rows that are deleted after processing. Processing includes confirming transactions, which is the paperless equivalent of signing a docket. The receipt number is the paperless equivalent of a signature, providing proof-of-delivery. For more detail, see submitting and confirming transactions.


It is important to define trading partner locations as individual sites. This enables sites to be identified in the receiver's database when submitting or confirming a transaction. Similarly, if the receiver has defined our individual sites, it will be defined in our pending transactions rather than being empty. Receiving trading partner sites can be added via the trading partner site catalogue.

Processing Submitted Pending Transactions link

Transactions are automatically submitted to Pending Transactions for us to verify and process. These transactions will not have a confirmed timestamp until we process them.

  1. Expand Operations within the navigation menu, open Pending Transactions page. Transactions that are submitted to us will appear in this page.
  2. Tabs will appear at the bottom, open Transactions detail grid, this is identical to the existing transactions grid. Ticking 'Is Linked' links the records and does not confirm the transaction, so they can remain linked and processed later.
  3. To process submitted pending transactions:
  • If there is an existing transaction, all fields match, and we agree with it:
    1. Use the arrows to expand the detail grid.
    2. On the existing transaction row, tick the 'Is Linked' box to link the pending transaction.
    3. Unhide 'Confirmed Timestamp' and 'Receipt Number' column.
    4. This will expand the detail grid Match Options, which displays existing and comparison values with non-matching fields. Updated fields will be in green, click Update button to proceed.
    5. This will populate the confirmed timestamp, the action will become 'Updated', and a receipt number will be assigned. This receipt number will be the same in the sender's database.
  • If there is an existing transaction, but one or more fields do not match and we would like to update them:
    1. Use the arrows to expand the detail grid.
    2. On the existing transaction row, tick the 'Is Linked' box to link the pending transaction.
    3. Unhide 'Confirmed Timestamp' and 'Receipt Number' column.
    4. This will expand the detail grid Match Options, which displays our values and their values. Updated fields will be in green, select which field to update and click Update button to proceed.
    5. This will populate the confirmed timestamp, the action will become 'Updated' and a receipt number will be assigned. This receipt number will not match the sender's database as we have updated fields. For information on what the sender sees, view receipt numbers.
  • If there is no existing transaction, and we agree with it:
    1. On the pending transaction row, click the Accept button.
    2. Unhide 'Confirmed Timestamp' and 'Receipt Number' column.
    3. This will accept the transaction into our database, populate the confirmed timestamp, and the action will become 'Accepted.'
  • If there is no existing transaction, and it should be cancelled:
    1. On the pending transaction row, click the Cancel button.
    2. Unhide 'Confirmed Timestamp', 'Receipt Number' and 'Is Cancelled' column.
    3. This will accept the transaction into our database, mark it as cancelled, populate the confirmed timestamp, and the action will become 'Cancelled.'
  • If we need to send pallets back by creating a return transaction:
    1. On the pending transaction row, process as per normal.
    2. On the pending transaction row, use the 'Add Return Row' button, or shortcut of Alt+T to create a return transaction. Key in quantity, and click the Accept button. This is equivalent to keying a row into transactions page. As it is accepted into our database, it will submit to the receiver site to confirm.

Processing Pending Relocation Transactions link

Relocation transactions are automatically submitted to Pending Transactions for the receiver to review/confirm. These transactions will not have a confirmed timestamp.

  1. Expand Operations within the navigation menu, open Pending Transactions page. Transactions that are submitted to us will appear in this page.
  2. Tabs will appear at the bottom, open Transactions detail grid, this is identical to the existing Transactions grid.
  3. As relocations are existing transactions, these will be ticked 'Is Linked.'
  4. To process pending relocation transactions:
  • If all fields match, and we agree with it:
    1. On the pending transaction row, click the Update button.
    2. Unhide 'Confirmed Timestamp' column.
    3. This will populate the confirmed timestamp, and the action will become 'Accepted.'
  • If it was not received, and it should be cancelled:
    1. On the pending transaction row, click the Cancel button.
    2. Unhide 'Confirmed Timestamp' column.
    3. This will update the row to become cancelled. If we are not authorised for the sender site, this transaction will appear in the sender's pending transactions page for review, with the action as 'Cancelled.' As we are waiting for the sender site to review, when refreshing the row, it will disappear from our pending transactions page.
    4. If we are authorised for the sender site, it will populate the confirmed timestamp, and the action will become 'Cancelled.'
  • If one or more fields do not match, and we would like to update them:
    1. On the pending transaction row, edit the information accordingly, and click the Update button.
    2. This will expand the detail grid Match Options, which displays non-matching fields. Updated fields will be in green, click Update button to proceed.
    3. This will update the row to reflect the changes. If we are not authorised for the sender site, this transaction will appear in the sender's pending transactions page for review, with the action as 'Updated'. As we are waiting for the sender site to review, when refreshing the row, it will disappear from our pending transactions page.
    4. If we are authorised for the sender site, it will populate the confirmed timestamp, and the action will become 'Updated.'
  • If it was cancelled or updated from the receiver, and it requires sender approval:
    1. Cancelled or updated pending transaction rows need to be approved by the sender. These rows will appear in the sender's pending transactions page when the receiver has modified the pending transaction row.
    2. Unhide 'Confirmed Timestamp' column.
    3. On the pending transaction row, click the Approve button. If not agreed, contact the site separately.
    4. This will update the existing transaction row, and populate the confirmed timestamp.
  • If all fields match, we agree to it, and we need to send pallets back by creating a return transaction:
    1. On the pending transaction row, click the Update button.
    2. Unhide 'Confirmed Timestamp' column.
    3. This will populate the confirmed timestamp, and the action will become 'Accepted.'
    4. On the pending transaction row, use the 'Add Return Row' button, or shortcut of Alt+T to create a return transaction and key quantity. Click the Accept button. This is equivalent to keying a row into transactions page. As it is accepted into our database, it will submit to the receiver site to confirm.

Deleting Processed Pending Transactions link

Pending transaction rows can be set to automatically delete once processed (when there is an action populated), or can be manually deleted.

To setup automatic deletion of processed pending transaction rows:

  1. Click the blue arrow to open the right-sidebar, then open View tool.
  2. Tick 'Is a processed row automatically deleted?' view setting.
  3. Processed rows will become soft-deleted, and can be restored using the Restore Button if necessary. Once the grid is refreshed, these processed rows will disappear.

To manually delete processed pending transaction rows:

  1. Against a processed pending transaction row, click the orange delete button.
  2. If there are multiple processed rows in the grid, clicking this orange delete button will prompt a pop-up offering to bulk-delete these rows. Either click Yes to delete all processed rows, or No to delete the current row.
  3. If there is only one processed row in the grid, clicking the orange delete button will delete this row with no pop-up.

Orange Delete Icon

  1. We can only delete processed pending transactions that we are authorised for. Unprocessed pending transactions will have a red delete button on the row.

Red Delete Icon

Last updated on 21/06/2024