Confirming Transactions

Confirming Transactions link

Confirming a transaction is the paperless equivalent of signing a docket.

  1. Expand Operations within the navigation menu, open Transactions page.
  2. Enter a 'loan received' or 'transfer on' transaction, or process a submitted 'on' pending transaction.
  3. The transaction record will automatically populate a confirmed timestamp and receipt number. If the sending trading partner uses 2ic Pallets, the transaction record will populate the same confirmed timestamp and receipt number in the sender's database.
  • Automatic confirming is configured by default.
  • A submitted pending transaction is 'processed' by accepting, cancelling, or matching & updating. When automatic confirming is configured, processing will also confirm the transaction.
  • Processing & confirming are independent functions, but processing adds or updates a transaction, and when it is an 'on' transaction, any change populates the confirmed timestamp.
Last updated on 21/06/2024